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Tag: Cashless Society

IRS Targeting Payment Apps

No one earning under $400,000 will experience a rise in taxes, the Biden Administration repeatedly promised. Unfortunately, albeit unsurprisingly, this is not true...

The Psychology Behind Consumer Spending and Hedonic Adaptation

Consumer debt in the US reached $14.88 trillion in 2020, according to Experian’s consumer debt study. That is a $3 trillion increase in the past decade, and...

Democrats Violating Everyone’s Privacy

  The Democrats want the banks to turn over ALL information on everyone to the IRS. You no longer need to have an audit. They are simply adopting the idea of...

The Failure of Gold in the Midst of Chaos

QUESTION: I have listened to the goldbugs for years. But it seems as though they always say the same thing that the dollar will crash because of debt, the stock...

The Real Digital Plot

  The move to end paper money and move toward a national cryptocurrency took a major step recently when the House Financial Services Committee task force...

The Egomaniacs & the Thinking Process

QUESTION: You have had billions. Why did that not make you as insane as Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg, and Dorsey? DG ANSWER: BigTech sees the power to overthrow the...

Cashless World Signals a Global End to Privacy

  Countries are moving to digital currencies at lightning speed. This is the future of money. Digital currencies will replace cash on an ASAP agenda. We are...

Europe Preparing to Cancel all Paper Money

  Europe is moving full speed ahead to cancel all outstanding paper money and move to a digital euro. They are doing this to force all money back into the...

Shortage of $50 Canadian Bills?

  A reader sent in this photo that was posted at the head office branch of Bank of Montreal in Vancouver, which is one of the largest banks in Canada. This is...

Bill Gates Pushing to Eliminate Physical Money

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, why is Bill Gates pushing to eliminate all physical money? AS ANSWER: This is part of the strategy behind Microsoft. They continuously...