Tag: Cashless Society
New Zealand – Bucking the Trend to Move Cashless?
September 3, 2015
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand revealed new $5 and $10 notes. However, Reserve Bank deputy governor Geoff Bascand was asked directly if the redesigns could be the...
July 30, 2015
QUESTION: Hi Martin, I like that you are very open minded when in comes to future tech which will change the world and dogmas (like electric cars and gas becoming...
Q&A The Hunt for TaxesCashless Society Coming to Germany
July 5, 2015
The North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Finance Norbert Walter-Borjans (SPD) has called for an upper limit for paying with cash amounting to €3000. The...
Forecasts Western EuropeCashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change
June 12, 2015
QUESTION: Hi Marty, if they eliminate cash – how would that affect 3rd world countries? Wouldn’t that add a huge dose of salt on that part of the...
Q&A The Hunt for TaxesCashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change
June 9, 2015
QUESTION: Hi Marty, if they eliminate cash – how would that affect 3rd world countries? Wouldn’t that add a huge dose of salt on that part of the...
Q&A The Hunt for TaxesSummers Blames People Who Save
June 7, 2015
We are simply drowning with people in charge who have no real world experience. According to the former US Treasury Secretary and Harvard economist Larry Summers...
The Hunt for TaxesThe Coming Cashless Society
May 28, 2015
You are now watching newspapers, TV shows, and other forms of media preparing for the coming cashless society. This is a marketing campaign, and may indeed be what...
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