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Tag: CDC

CDC Director Walensky Struggles to Cover Sotomayor’s Lies

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a woman sitting at the top of America’s legal system, outright lied to the public by inflating COVID numbers. “We have...

When the Facts Prove You Wrong Change the Definition

The CDC is also changing definitions. This is the new scam. To pretend they are correct, they just change the definition when the facts no longer support their...

Permanently Muzzling Society

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) accidentally leaked their plans to permanently muzzle society. CDC director Rochelle Walensky recently revealed the agency’s...

A Fed First on Unemployment and Mental Health

The October 20, 2021, release of the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book revealed that the central bank is worried about American’s mental health, and with good...

I Bought a Politician Everywhere

There is something that Fauci is denying — natural immunity. All the studies show that survivors of previous plagues were immune and actually lived longer...

The CDC & Vaccine Companies in Bed with Facebook?

Zuckerberg is a very dangerous adolescent who has clearly not grown up. Personally, I would never own a single share of Facebook when its management is just so...

End Private Donations to FDA & CDC – NOW!

Our greatest problem has been that Bill Gates has his tentacles deeply involved in the CDC and FDA while he has a major shareholding in the vaccine companies. If I...

Fleeing to the Dollar because of the Delta Variant?

In Germany, they have now determined that 40% of all cash in the system is currently being hoarded. The German press, DWN, is also reporting that “Because of...

CDC’s Attempt to Take Over The United States Slapped Down by Federal Judge

COMMENT: The CDC acts like it has government power to issue legal rules, and enforce them. Yet, research into the topic only results in confusion concerning its...

A New Jersey Surgeon Apologizes on Behalf of Governor Murphy’s Ignorance

Leave it to corrupt politicians to continually milk any power provided to them. New Jersey Democratic Governor Phil Murphy is disregarding “the...