Tag: Central Banks
Interest Rates
February 11, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; as you know I have worked on the bond desk and am now looking to get out and retire. You are so right. The 10 year is the old 30 year and nobody...
Forecasts Q&A USD $The Fed vs. Congress
January 25, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Martin, How long has the central banking era been going and will it come to an end? How many central banks create liquidity for governments by buying...
UncategorizedMarket Manipulation Confusion
November 13, 2015
QUESTION: You say that long-term manipulations are impossible while short-term manipulations have been the focus of the bankers. Do you mean to say that not even...
Q&A Understanding CyclesQuantitative Easing & the Nightmare It Has Created
October 23, 2015
While so many people claimed that Quantitative Easing (QE) would produce inflation since it was the creation of money, the truth is very far from this simplistic...
Basic ConceptsThe Solution – the ONLY Solution
June 22, 2015
QUESTION: Can you please explain how your Solution is different than what Central Banks around the world are currently doing and appear to be poised to expand...
Forecasts Q&A The Hunt for TaxesBlog Alerts
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