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Tag: Chicago

Do You Feel Safe in America?

Crime has been rampant across America over the last two years. The economic downturn hurt low-income communities the most, and some are turning to crime for quick...

Lightfoot Believes Remote Education Led to Increased Crime

Crime has been sweeping the nation since Biden announced his light on crime stance. Chicago, an urban warzone, has seen a sharp uptick in criminal activity so...

Chicago Falls at Midnight

Resistance is not futile. I have said before that once the police turn against the government, the reins of power will loosen. Chicago’s Fraternal Order of...

Is Chicago Doomed?

COMMENT: Chicago is at it again. The new mayor, Lorie Lightfoot, is proposing a sales tax for high end professional services such as accounting, legal and...

Chicago Trying to Takeover All Power

The environmentalists are working hard behind the curtain to eliminate fossil fuels by nationalizing private utilities. The Democratic Socialists on the Chicago...

The Black Hole of Debt

We are facing a serious collapse in government that appears to be shaping up on the horizon beginning 2021/2022. Take the city of Chicago for example. The city is...

Will Chicago Real Estate Ever Rise Again?

QUESTION: Chicago real estate- is there any future before 2032 or do we hope for a Detroit situation as the only possibility for prices to rise? Thank you! Bob...

Chicago Wants to Tax Video & Music on Internet

Governments are the worst possible invention of humankind for they merge the rule of law with their self-interest to exploit the people for their own subsistence....

Chicago Considering a 30% Property Tax Increase to Pay Govt. Pensions

COMMENT: Couldn’t help myself – I must share this personal story with your team and the blog readers. After reading Martin for just about a year, I began...

Big Bang – It Is Everywhere

Chicago may become the next Detroit. We can see this Big Bang unfolding everywhere around us at a very rapid pace. Moody’s Investor Services just cut Chicago’s...