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Tag: China

Deep State Preparing for War?

There appears to be a Deep State move to create a new Iron Curtain to ban China from the world economy unless they comply with the New Green Deal. Reliable sources...

Hong Kong & Sanctions

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Hong Kong is the source for US dollars for China. If Trump imposes serious sanctions, this would actually lead to a shortage of dollars in...

China Seizes all Bitcoin Bank Accounts

Chinese police have frozen several thousand accounts of Bitcoin traders during an extensive crackdown on illicit activities, which includes transferring money out...

China v USA

QUESTION: Obviously, China is not Hitler or Napoleon with dreams of conquering the world. The days of empire building are gone. China has always been the one who is...

Hong Kong – The Matchstick to War?

The US-China tensions over Hong Kong are boiling over. The US government is reportedly considering imposing sanctions on Chinese firms and officials over China’s...

Comment From China

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, Absolutely agree that the lockdown and social distancing will alter society profoundly. Notwithstanding the China’s government...

The Propaganda & China

COMMENT: RE China analysis Marty, It is so clear to me that you have not been exposed to the changing workforce and have always worked for yourself. How did I get...

Behind the Headlines from China

This is a direct communication from our staff in China. This is what I mean when I say we have boots on the ground around the world. We do not need to rely on...

Coronavirus Panic

COMMENT: How is this for the Pi Cycle in action: 1968 Hong Kong flu + 51.6 years = 2020 coronavirus. BGP REPLY: Yes, 2020 was the target year for the disease cycle...

Climate Data in Australia is Being Altered

Comparing the raw data that was adjusted in Australia, what has emerged is part of the worldwide conspiracy to reduce population. The original data at 60 of the...