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Tag: China

Is China Really Still Communist?

QUESTION:  Hello Martin – In today’s “Spread The Love”, you mention at the end that today, neither Russia or China are communist. I think...

Australia and India Form an Alliance to Lessen Reliance on China

Trade tension between China and Australia has hit a new peak, with Australia now seeking to limit trade with China entirely. Former Australian Prime Minister Tony...

China’s Extreme Lockdown Measures

The Chinese government is taking its zero-COVID, zero-freedom policy to a new extreme. Government workers are now locking people within their homes to prevent them...

Israel Added Yuan to Reserve Currency Portfolio

Israel has now moved to add the Chinese yuan to its reserve currency portfolio, which will create a natural hedge against the risk of insanity pushing for war by...

Wealthy Flee Shanghai

The lockdown in Shanghai has caused immeasurable damage to the people and battered an already stunted global supply chain. The wealthy are now fleeing the city, as...

Top Pentagon Official Resigns Over Threat of Technological Warfare

Chief Architect Preston Dunlap resigned from his role at the Pentagon, citing the threat of technological warfare. “The System is generally set up to pull...

Marco Rubio Preparing to Join Biden in Destroying the World Economy

The world has gone completely nuts and now even Republican Marco Rubio is drafting legislation to sanction China. Biden’s sanctions have totally destroyed the...

The World’s Busiest Shipping Port is Closed

Shanghai went under a full lockdown at the end of March under China’s zero-COVID tolerance policy. When cases allegedly rose, China extended the lockdown...

People Are Starving Under Shanghai’s Lockdown People are starving in Shanghai. The screams heard in the disturbing video above are due to more than mere frustration. China...

Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan for Oil

Russia is not the only country turning to the yuan. Beijing is in talks with Saudi Arabia to begin purchasing oil with their own currency opposed to the USD. Saudi...