Tag: Civil Asset Forefeiture
Using Criminal Law to Confiscate Wealth – Civilly Without a Crime
December 27, 2024
COMMENT: A reader has submitted this which is typical of every economic decline. The money grab by cities which are desperate for taxes is escalating, law...
CorruptionDEA Suspended from Robbing Airline Passengers
November 25, 2024
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been criminalizing airline passengers since the Patriot Act gave them the permission to treat everyone as a suspected...
CorruptionWhy I Do Not Trust Safety Deposit Boxes
October 7, 2024
I have said numerous times that your personal belongings are at risk in safety deposit boxes. The Fourth Amendment was intended to protect Americans from illegal...
CorruptionSnoop Dog Loses $205,933 in Cash Seized by Police
September 4, 2015
During a standard check at Lamezia Terme in Calabria, Italy, rapper Snoop Dog was found to be in possession of $422,820 in U.S. cash, a police source told CNN....
The Hunt for TaxesClarification – Government Believes it is God
June 28, 2015
Of course God cannot be overruled by government, but those in government think so. I do not believe in government as some benevolent entity that really cares about...
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