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Tag: Civil Unrest

The 2020 Election – The Most Corrupt in American History

The polls will be manipulated to show Trump will lose. While our computer shows he should win, caution is necessary because we are also showing this will be the...

Police Infiltrating Protests

  In the Hague protests, here is a video showing that the police are pretending to be protesters and aggravating the protest to increase its violence. This...

European Civil Unrest Erupting in Germany & the Netherlands

Riots are erupting all over Europe. In Stuttgart, a total of 400 to 500 people participated in the riots since Sunday night with 19 police officers injured. The...

New Interview: The Mid-March Bottom and Rising Civil Unrest

Click here to listen to “The Mid-March Bottom and Rising Civil Unrest” interview with Cris Sheridan from Financial Sense (June 16, 2020) This interview confers...

The World Police

The US has long had the distinction of being the “world police” who would protect citizens of other nations against human rights abuses. Now, countries like...

Immunity Must Be Overruled for Police & Prosecutors to Save Everyone

  Once upon a time, we use to live in an honorable society. All systems move toward corruption and they inevitably move to protect their own agents. Ben...

Civil Unrest Ignites on Schedule

(picture from Paris protest, credit Michel Euler/AP) George Floyd’s death has sparked civil unrest throughout the world. In Athens, Greece, protestors flung...

Is Antifa Supplied Bricks in Advance for Riots from Berkshire Hathaway’s Acme Bricks?

  There appears to be good information that pallets of bricks are being bought and delivered around cities by Acme Brick Company, which was bought in 2000 by...

The Civil Unrest That Trump Does Not Understand

  The rise of civil unrest spreading across the country is more than just the death of George Floyd. People have been dying in police confrontations for many...

The New Norm – Social Distancing Forever

In discussions behind the curtain, it appears that there is also a hidden agenda to embrace Bill Gates’ virus for the purpose of suppressing our freedom. The...