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Tag: Civil Unrest

The Next American Civil War – Thank You Mueller

The Mueller investigation is all about removing Trump from office, which has been cheered by CNN, New York Times, and The Washington Post among many others. They...

History Repeats in School Attacks

The recent attacks in schools that have people calling for the banning of guns that are portrayed as always the worst in history. We clearly do not grasp that such...

The Rising Youth & Civil Unrest

Here is a picture taken from a reader in Hamburg. The degree of violence rising in Europe and in the United States post-Trump election, have been organizing the...

The Destruction of Hamburg is Massive

The destruction of Hamburg has been massive as photographed by DWN. There is much going on behind the scenes politically with the focus now on intensely monitoring...

The Survival of the People Always Depends Upon the Army

The Reuters Editor’s Choice picture demonstrates what I have been saying about revolution. When the army defends the corruption of politicians, there will be...

G20 Hamburg Protest was Closer to the Start of Civil War

  There is a rumor going around that the extreme violent protests in Hamburg, which resembled a Civil War, were allegedly  funded by Soros. It is just a...

G20 Leftist Protesters Turning Violent

The left is engaging in violent protests at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. Both the police and G20 opponents were mutually responsible for the escalation of...

A Sign of the Times

QUESTION: First Brexit then Trump, do you see the same coming in 2019 in Canada? France ? Germany? WB ANSWER: Yes. This is a private wave. Unfortunately, this is...

The Real Story at Hampshire College

Chicago is where they dragged a man out of his car and beat him because he voted for Trump. Well, what’s going on at Hampshire certainly also gives us some...

Football in Decline

Many are now blaming Colin Kaepernick for the sharp decline in American football ratings. Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem in the NFL preseason...