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Tag: Civil Unrest

Europe on the Brink of Complete Chaos?

There are so many incidents with the refugee crisis in Europe that the blog could be filled with that subject alone. Even the press in Germany is starting to shift...

Obama on Baton Rouge

The deliberate killing of police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has been the subject of much propaganda. President Obama did not address what is obvious to everyone and...

Civil Unrest Explodes in Berlin: Over 3500 People Riot Against Police

Civil unrest is exploding. The biggest and most violent protest in Germany erupted in Berlin over the weekend, exactly with our models calling for an explosion in...

US Government Preparing for Massive Civil Unrest

The Federal government is arming every agency from the IRS to the State Department for domestic purposes. This is clearly a response to what they know is coming....

Tax Rebellion in Denmark?

In Fredensborg, Denmark, ten official cars from the Tax Administration Office were set on fire and destroyed overnight in a protest. Police received notification...