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Tag: Civil War

The Propaganda Leading to the Dangerous Left

  The nation was silent when President Joe Biden called Donald Trump’s supporters “domestic terrorists” who are the “greatest threat to the nation.”...

US Supreme Court Votes AGAINST the People – Invasion Continues

The Supreme Court issued a 5-4 ruling permitting the federal government to stop any attempts to control the crisis at the US-Mexico border. The initial case was in...

The Catalyst for the Next US Civil War?

Could this be the catalyst for the next civil war? The federal government warned the Texas National Guard to  “cease and desist its efforts to block Border...

December Marked the Largest Border Breach in US History

The backlog at the US-Mexico border has surpassed 3 million. US Border Patrol processed over 225,000 migrants in the first 27 days of December. This does not...

Revolution v Civil War

A revolution cannot be used interchangeably with “civil war.” For you see, a civil war occurs when the people are divided and fight one another; a revolution...

The 1860 Election – Lincoln Was Also Left Off the Ballot

Did you know Abraham Lincoln was also absent from the ballot in 1860? Ten Southern states failed to issue ballots on behalf of the Republican candidate because he...

The GOP Backs Trump – Kennedy Warns of Civil War

Finally, the Republicans have come together as a party to condemn the absolute tyranny of current administration. The leading GOP candidates have put their...

The Contagion of War

QUESTION: You have suggested that we will end up at war with China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran simultaneously. How does Socrates conclude such an event that...

The Coming Civil War

COMMENT: There has been and is increasing talk in all media of a coming ‘civil war’. Your article ‘Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump’...

Martin Armstrong Interview: COVID, Civil War, and Major Capital Shifts (Part 2)

Click here to watch part two of the interview with Financial Sense’s most controversial and honest guest, Martin...