Tag: class warfare
The Truth About The Democrat’s $5 Trillion Tax Increase
August 27, 2024
The Democrats support always raising taxes that amount to robbing people with laws. They NEVER learn that Marxism has failed EVERY single time it has been tried....
The Hunt for Taxes CorruptionThe Obamas Fuel Class Warfare
August 26, 2024
Michelle Obama’s comments at the Democratic National Convention were hypocritical to the point of sounding comical. Adorned in a $3,000 pantsuit, the former First...
PoliticsRevolution v Civil War
December 26, 2023
A revolution cannot be used interchangeably with “civil war.” For you see, a civil war occurs when the people are divided and fight one another; a revolution...
USA Current EventsThe Cloward-Piven Strategy
June 6, 2023
COMMENT: Your reporting on the Red Cross and other organizations that facilitate the mass importation of illegals into America is well done. But its purpose is...
Civil Unrest Economics Revolution SocialistWall Street Bankers Urged to Dress Down Due to Class Warfare
December 6, 2021
There is a new dress code on Wall Street. Bank of America is urging employees to “dress down” amid surging crime in NYC. The bank is even asking...
North AmericaIs Hitler the Model Today?
July 2, 2021
Ironically, Hitler is the model. He turned the people against the Jews, not because they were Jewish, but he targeted the Jewish bankers first as the rich....
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