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Tag: Climate Change

Lockdowns for Climate Change

This entire move for lockdowns under COVID-19 is not going away. They have destroyed businesses intentionally to end commuting. They are determined to end fossil...

Rockefeller Family Tells Banks to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels

These people are absolutely insane. They think they should stop all fossil fuel production now and leave cars stranded, people freeze in winter, and eliminate any...

Is Climate Change Caused Only by the Sun?

QUESTION: Do you think the entire climate change is caused by the sun? KS ANSWER: No. Nothing can be reduced to a single cause and effect. There is a 300-year cycle...

Germany’s Anti-Greta: Naomi Seibt

I find it fascinating how a 19-year-old can do the research that climate change is natural and that whatever impact humans have is negligible. All we have to do is...

Sky News Calls Out Schwab & his DAVOS

  I find it very interesting how these billionaires seem to want to prevent anyone else from making a lot of money, for perhaps they would do as they are doing...

It’s Al Gore Destroying your Future – His Manipulation of the World Opinion

In the April 28, 1975 edition of Newsweek, they actually proposed solutions for climate change that included outlawing internal combustion engines. The interesting...

Trump Approves Railroad to Help Alberta

COMMENT:  Trump to approve $22B railway between Alaska and Alberta Is Trump aiding Alberta’s separation? This is a very big deal for our landlocked oil...

The Masks – A Symbol of the Real Agenda

  I have spent decades in Asia, and people who were sick wore masks as a matter of courtesy. Masks were not worn by people to prevent getting sick because they...

Teaching Children to Think

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you so much for sharing the connections Socrates is making between seemingly unrelated ideas. I’m a high school/collegiate science...

Biden Supports the Green Agenda

Biden said: “When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is ‘hoax,'” Biden said during a speech unveiling the plan...