COMMENT: If all of these scientists claim that CO2 will fry us in a few years, how can you argue against this 97%? WJ ANSWER: You are buying into an agenda that is...
The bogus environmental analysis that has been relied upon by Bill Gates and Al Gore has been so wrong it is scary. They have used these fake models to terrorize...
Austria’s first green-tinged government took power, comprising the Austrian People’s Party and the Austrian Green Party at the start of the year. The...
Riots are erupting all over Europe. In Stuttgart, a total of 400 to 500 people participated in the riots since Sunday night with 19 police officers injured. The...
COMMENT: Mr Armstrong: I had to write to tell you that you are absolutely right about two things in particular I have now seen one presented so thoroughly one sided...
This interesting documentary exposes the falsehood about green energy and the outright lies we are told that somehow this will save the planet. They call it...
Little by little, the truth of this contrived coronavirus crisis is emerging. It has always been about forcing climate change agendas. They knew they were losing,...
We have another nurse coming out and confirming that people are being left to die in New York City in an apparent attempt to raise the death toll for political...
This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the...