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Tag: Climate Change

The BS of Climate Change from Polar Bears to Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have worked in the Arctic Circle. They always show polar bears on ice but what they fail to tell the public is that they normally spend...

The ECB & its Green Agenda

QUESTION: Marty, what do you think about Legarde claiming the top priority of the ECB is climate protection? DK ANSWER: The proposition that the primary objective...

Greta Thunberg When She Can’t Read a Script from Greenpeace

  Greta has been named “Person of the Year,” which is supposed to be a great honor. Of course, TIME is not without their flaws since in 1938 they...

Global Cooling Warning to the President

On December 3, 1972, Brown University wrote to the president concerning the climate changing back to a potential Ice Age. Because our models have been divided by...

Media Conspiracy that the Washington Post & NY Times Declined to Join

What is fascinating is the revelation that mainstream media has indeed conspired with the group led by Greenpeace to sell climate change. This includes the top...

Pollution v Climate Change

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; in searching your writings you acknowledge that pollution is a problem. So to be clear, you distinguish pollution from climate change? Can...

Greta & Mother Living Lavishly?

The latest rumor running around Europe is based on this photo of Greta Thunberg and her mother living above normal European standards of living, sitting in posh or...

The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest Globally

QUESTION: Dear Marty , what do you’re models say about the unrest in South America (Chili, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentinia) . It looks like the...

UK Snow Hits 7-Year Temperature Low

COMMENT: I told a friend to read your blog for a global viewpoint. He said you were wrong that all of Britain was not under snow. I told him he was an idiot. Never...

Climate Data in Australia is Being Altered

Comparing the raw data that was adjusted in Australia, what has emerged is part of the worldwide conspiracy to reduce population. The original data at 60 of the...