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Tag: Climate Change

Heatwaves Are Serious Only on a Sustained Basis

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I thought you might be interested in some comments on Climate Change. My wife has a dear friend 87 years old who lived (and still does) in...

Spotless Sun

Recently, NASA’s photo of the sun showed ZERO sunspots. The previous and current solar cycle has been declining significantly in solar activity beyond what...

Finland & Japan Confirm Global Warming Data is not Supported

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Being 100% in agreement with you about Climate Change I thought you might be interested in 2 newly released research projects one from Finland...

1177 BC – The Collapse of Society System-Wide

QUESTION: I do not believe you have ever commented on Eric Cline’s book 1177BC, the year civilization collapsed. Do you think this is likely what we face or...

An Environmental Economist to Take the Head of the IMF

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You had once written that Christine Lagarde was only a lawyer and she was really put in the role of the IMF chief by Obama. What do you...

Democrats Using Climate to Create Fear Votes

Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang made a wild claim without any evidence whatsoever that “we’re too late” in addressing climate change....

3,000 People Died in French Heatwave of 2003

Back in 2003, about 3,000 people died in France of a heatwave when high temperatures swept across Europe. It was found that nearly 180 people were dying of the heat...

Antarctica Use to Have no Ice?

  Research is surfacing that shows Antarctica may have been without ice during the Medieval Warming Period some refer to as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA)...

Has the Ice in the Arctic Ever Melted Before?

QUESTION: Martin, Been reading you for years, starting when the SDNY wrongly jailed you and basically destroyed your constitutional rights, s/b a movie… what...