QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You had once written that Christine Lagarde was only a lawyer and she was really put in the role of the IMF chief by Obama. What do you...
Back in 2003, about 3,000 people died in France of a heatwave when high temperatures swept across Europe. It was found that nearly 180 people were dying of the heat...
Research is surfacing that shows Antarctica may have been without ice during the Medieval Warming Period some refer to as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA)...
QUESTION: Martin, Been reading you for years, starting when the SDNY wrongly jailed you and basically destroyed your constitutional rights, s/b a movie… what...
Now the save the planet crew is demanding that 50% of all landmass be void of humans. The real fact is that 95% of the world’s population lives on less than...
Our computer correlates everything from economics to nature. We have been warning that the next 8.6-year wave in the Economic Confidence Model appears to be...
The Extinction Rebellion, formed in 2018, appears to be an extreme anarchist group that is using climate as an excuse to overthrow governments. Climate change has...
COMMENT: Regarding: California Economy Declining Significantly In the Netherlands (Europe) the same. Gas not allowed for new homes. Now new homes are more than...
Breakthrough Report 2019 Here we go again. The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Change has issued a report without ANY scientific evidence whatsoever...