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Tag: Climate Change

US Failing to Add 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs

I have already criticized the March jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The mainstream media is cheering the 303,000 position boost as proof...

Biden’s Dictatorship – Why Executive Orders are Unconstitutional

These are just a few of the onslaught of Executive Orders Bidens signed within hours of entering the White House. He not only opened the border to the flood of...

The Progress on National EV Charging Stations

Governments globally are in a rush to transition away from fossil fuels. The US government threw $7.5 billion at the fabricated problem in 2022 to build a network...

32 Climate Hoaxes that are now Supporting for WWIII

Did we get enough of them to save the planet? I am not kidding. There are now Climate Zealots who are eager to bring about World War III as the means to save the...

How the Clintons Destabilized Haiti

Haiti has been propelled into a downward spiral ever since the Clinton Foundation stepped in to “help.” They have successfully destabilized the nation. Haiti is...

The Next Greta? Meet Xiye Bastida

The World Economic Forum has spoken and chosen its newest climate change darling – Xiye Bastida. Greta Thunberg has been replaced by a more diverse candidate from...

Biden New Regs Will Cost up to $25,000 per home to Comply

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you know law like no other analyst. My air conditioner bit the dust, and it was a 14-seer 2-ton split heat pump. The repair company told me...

War & the ECM

QUESTION: You have been the only analyst who has been correct that there would be no recession that just about everyone had forecast for the last two years. A...

Trans Health Secretary Warns Climate Change Hurts Black Americans

What happened to this world? Admiral Rachel Levine was appointed as the U.S. Public Health Service, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and...

US Govt Targets Private Enterprise – Eminent Domain – Private Property and Patents at Risk

A recent measure from the Biden Administration touted as a solution to lower prescription drug costs has a more sinister motive. The Bayh–Dole Act or Patent and...