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Tag: Climate Change

Climate Crowd Coming for Cooling Appliances

Davos man John Kerry is continuing to “pledge” for stricter regulations on behalf of the people after the United Nations climate change summit (COP28). He...

Kerry – WEF – First Movers Coalition

John Kerry declared that America would adhere to the Power Past Coal Alliance and partner with 56 other nations in eliminating coal power. Kerry committed $3...

Auto Dealers Oppose Switch to EVs

Governments worldwide are pushing for clean energy without a reliable alternative. Electric vehicles (EVs) are sitting stagnant on lots as the demand is simply not...

The EAT-Lancet Commission – UN to Release Meat Consumption Limitations

It has been confirmed that the United Nations will begin to advocate for a reduction in meat consumption this December at the COP28 summit. The UN states that...

The Polluter Elites

The very people flying to Davos annually on their private jets are responsible for the majority of environmental pollution. The globalists are the “polluter...

US Treasury Secretary Unclear on the Concept of a “Deficit”

We cannot let our national security be undermined in an attempt to weaken our efforts to modernize the IRS – efforts which reduce the deficit, improve customer...

Japan and Denmark Collaborate on Floating Wind Turbines

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to discuss offshore wind turbines. Denmark is a leader in wind turbine...

The American Climate Corps

Joe Biden has created a workforce initiative called the American Climate Corps who will be responsible for carrying out the climate change agenda. The program...

Greta Poses for the Cameras Amid Arrest

Greta Thunberg is willing to defy the authorities to fight climate change, or at least that is what they want you to believe. They paint this young girl as a...

Austria Offers Free Transportation for Tattoos

Notice how all of the voluntary actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate. These will be the first people to move into...