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Tag: Climate Change

Austria Offers Free Transportation for Tattoos

Notice how all of the voluntary actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate. These will be the first people to move into...

African Leaders Aim to Implement Global Carbon Tax

The Africa Climate Summit hosted in Kenya focused on how the world can manipulate the weather through taxation. In no way due to geography or distance to the...

London’s DAILY Driving Tax

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has a firm grip on London. The WEF has warned us that they plan to ban private car ownership to save the world. All it takes is the...

Just Stop (Cooking) Oil

A light-hearted story for a Monday, as we must laugh at the insanity of those protesting the weather. Extinction Rebellion is a group that consistently protests the...

“One Water” Approach Led to Deaths on Maui

Climate change zealots are destroying our society. I mentioned how Maui suffered the repercussions of Biden’s America-Last policies after they received mere...

WEF Study–‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities

‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities was released in September 2022, and you were part of the test group. The WEF-funded “research”...

Harris – Reducing the Population is a Real Goal

The White House claims that Vice President Kamala Harris made a gaff by saying that the goal was to “reduce population” when she should have said...

Spain’s Climate Minister Caught Faking Bike Transit for Cameras

The above video is complete climate propaganda. The climate zealots are laughing at us from their private jets. They swear doomsday is around the corner and the...

WEF Seeks to End Private Car Ownership by 2050

“Goodbye car ownership, hello clean air: welcome to the future of transport,” the WEF published on its website back in December 2016. The first step is to...

10 Million-Year-Old Tree Fossil Explains Natural Climate Change

The Earth contains the blueprint for ancient life. Ice core samples and tree fossils have taught us much about the seemingly undocumented world. Researchers at...