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Tag: Clintons

Have New Epstein Docs Ended Hillary’s Dream?

The word behind the curtain is that these charges against Maxwell, and the unsealing of previously sealed documents, have put an end to any hope that the Democrats...

Taxpayers Have Been Paying for Sexual Harassment by Politicians

Believe it or not, those who make the laws have always excluded themselves from them in most cases such as insider trading in stocks to settlements for their...

The Club & Why the Majority Must be Always Wrong

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I did my own research on the 1998 Russian collapse. All the big names lost billions. Even the New York Times reported that George Soros...

Hillary & the Conspiracy of Relentless Suicides

The real test will be if Ghislaine Maxwell ends up mysteriously dead now that she has been at least seen in Los Angeles. Then the talk that Jeffrey Epstein spent...

Clinton Witness Removal Program?

There have been countless stories of how Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons would fly around and go off to his secret places. When federal prosecutors announced sex...

Does Bill Clinton Have Alzheimer’s?

A number of emails have come in since the rumor mill is now circulating that Bill Clinton has Alzheimer’s disease. In July, I wrote that my sources in Hollywood...

Is Bill Clinton Losing It?

The whole meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton calls into question the judgment of both people. Lynch should have declined the meeting and Bill should never have...

The Clintons Always Play Dirty

Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix. The claim is he just happened to see her plane and hopped on board to speak...

Hillary Clinton – “Crisis of Character”

More people are writing books about the Clintons to expose their corruption than any other president or presidential candidate in history. While Bill has dominated...

Hillary & Goldman Sachs: A 20+ Year Relationship

Hillary refuses to explain, no less release, transcripts of her “speeches” for Goldman Sachs. What they paid Hillary for just three speeches is more...