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Tag: Commodities

Will the Virus Kill Fiat Currencies?

QUESTION: The goldbugs hate you, but they read you. Now they are claiming that the virus will kill fiat currencies. My question is simple. If the government cancels...

Millennials Collect Sneakers not Gold?

QUESTION: Gold & the younger generation Regarding the article ‘Gold & the Future ‘ ‘…Will they then look to gold and history? ‘ I think the...

Why Goldbugs Get Crushed

QUESTION: This is what infuriates those that like gold. All of the shorting. Why? No other sector looks like this. So how is it that gold miners are restricted but...

Farmers going Bankrupt – A Prelude to a Boom?

Part of the cycle for a commodity boom is typically preceded by a commodity depression in which the productive capacity is reduced. We are witnessing that in the...

Commodity Prices Before 1259

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You mentioned that your chart on wheat was back to 1259 excluding ancient data. Is it really possible to collect data on commodity prices...

What Are Tangible Assets?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, In your April 20 blog post, you stated, “You are better off with tangible assets for the transition when it comes.” Please explain...

Comment from Western Australia

COMMENT:  MA,  OH things are bad out West.. the commodity downturn – oil and gas, basic metals – Iron ore Copper etc…and the housing market is...

Commodity-Based Countries to Liquidate Wealth Funds & Gold

QUESTION: Marty, at the Berlin cocktail party you said we may yet see gold sales from oil producing countries if oil breaks your yearly number of $35 for year end...

Commodities Depend on the Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said the decline in commodity prices will not reduce production but can actually accelerate output. How can this be? It does not make...

What Is the Strength of the Dollar? Its People, Military, or Commodities?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, so many of these goldbugs really hate the dollar and they argue that since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, the dollar’s...