Tag: Communism 3.0
Switzerland to Prosecute COVID Skeptics – Welcome to Tyranny
November 18, 2020
Swiss health economist Willy Oggier calls for skeptics of the new coronavirus to be taken seriously. He calls for the immediate introduction of a legal basis...
Disease Great ResetWhat If Biden Wins?
November 16, 2020
The problem we will face if Biden wins is that the Democrats are hell-bent on not just raising taxes, but demonetizing the dollar to end hoarding of cash, which is...
PoliticsThe US is Being Invaded Right Now & the Media is Cheering
November 11, 2020
We even have the British Press trying to overthrow Trump. The Economist has the audacity to pronounce Biden the winner claiming, “When every vote...
WarEven the British Press has Conspired to Support Communism 3.0 – Again!
November 11, 2020
I will cancel my subscript to the Economist. I use to respect that magazine, but no longer. The Economist has gone beyond fake news; they are deliberately now...
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