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Tag: Conspiracy

The Scrubbed BlackRock Ad

  Thomas Matthew Crooks was featured in a BlackRock commercial that has since been scrubbed from the internet. The World Economic Forum-aligned company that...

Ramaswamy has Near Fatal Plane Accident

There is a price to pay for going against the global elite. I reported how GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy sued the World Economic Forum and won. Shortly...

The Real Deep State

  What Greenwald is talking about is so true, and nobody will ever investigate. When I was in contempt, the FBI set up the girlfriend of a manager at Resorts...

It’s Always a Conspiracy

COMMENT: So, behind the curtain I was told you’re actually in league with Klaus, Mr. Armstrong 😀 I know, how I dare to even ask but Marty, what’s...

The Break-in Not a Threat

QUESTION: Good night, Mr. Armstrong: I hope you are well and enjoying your front-beach house in the Sunshine State. I read your blog every day, since 2011. I ask...

Obama & Prison Reform

Obama’s visit to El Reno Federal prison (Correctional Institution) in Oklahoma is probably one of the few acts he has done that I agree with. Like most...

FIFA & U.S. Law

The greatest exports of the United States have been McDonalds, blue jeans, rock ‘n’ roll, and of course laws that they stretch to worldwide jurisdiction. All...