Tag: contagion
The Contagion of War
April 23, 2023
QUESTION: You have suggested that we will end up at war with China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran simultaneously. How does Socrates conclude such an event that...
Civil Unrest WarWill Governments Respond Globally or Just Act Independently?
January 24, 2020
QUESTION: Is there any comparison to be made between the current suppression of interest rates by the Fed and its suppression of interest rates in the 1920s? With...
Banking CrisisKarl Marx’s Grave Vandalized – Is this the Cyclical Turning Point from the 1848 Revolutions?
February 17, 2019
Karl Marx’s grave was selectively vandalized. Someone used a hammer to deface the monument. No other graves were attacked so it is clear this was a...
Civil Unrest EconomicsHow Small Events Can Cascade into Contagions
May 4, 2017
COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong, This very unusual video about dominoes is 2½ minute and shows how a small domino can knock over big ones. I remember you...
Basic ConceptsCashless Society Coming to Germany
July 5, 2015
The North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Finance Norbert Walter-Borjans (SPD) has called for an upper limit for paying with cash amounting to €3000. The...
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