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Tag: corruption

The ETHICS Act – End Insider Trading in Congress

Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate can agree on one thing – Congress has been using classified information to illegally trade stocks. Our public...

Study: Vaccines had “NO Beneficial Effects”

YouTube recently removed an interview I participated in with Palisades Radio for mentioning this study. I have posted the video on Rumble at the bottom of this...

Did Zelensky’s Wife Purchase Limited Edition Bugatti?

The nations toppling their budgets to provide blank checks to Ukraine should know where their money is being spent. We all know that a large portion of the money is...

Could Trump Run for President if Imprisoned?

In 1920 the world watched as candidates Eugene and Debs fought for the title of President of the United States. Eugene Victor Debs of the Socialist Party was found...

Trump Prepared for Jail – July Panic Cycle?

The left has weaponized politics, jailing one’s political opponent is no longer a figure of speech in America. The corrupt New York courts found Trump guilty on...

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) – NIH Used Your Taxes to Fund Wuhan Research

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), “a rare brain disorder that leads to dementia,” according to the Mayo Clinic is suddenly on the rise. This prion disease...

Ashley Biden’s Journal Confirmed to be Factual Yet Again

The mainstream media continues to sweep this information under the rug, but if it were not (D)ifferent), this would be one of the biggest presidential scandals in...

House Democrats Pushing to Permit Migrants to Vote

I’m posting this so there’s no confusion about what democrats had planned all along for the upcoming election. — sandy...

Civil Unrest Across US Universities – Staged Actors

  Staged actors have been embedded in US universities to promote the pro-Palestinian, anti-US sentiments. Professional agitators have been utilized countless...

AstraZeneca Admits Vaccine Had Lethal Side Effect

Vaccine manufacturers and health agencies have been silently admitting that their “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have deadly side effects....