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Tag: corruption

Study: Lobbyists into Government 

Lobbyists are trained to influence and persuade government officials to act on behalf of their corporation. Lobbying firms often hire men and women with prior...

History Warns – All Governments are the Same!

A man pawns himself off as a baby Kangaroo’s mother. Politicians have LEARNED that they too can pretend that they are your parent and are solely interested in...

There are TWO MAJOR types of People who Want to be President

COMMENT: For months now you have been saying that these elections will be the most corrupt ever (‘Our Model still shows a Trump Victory if it is a legitimate...

Why No Bankers Ever go to Jail

QUESTION: Why are bankers never prosecuted? The New York courts are not trustworthy. Can you explain why this is allowed to go one all the time? SK ANSWER: It is...

Fake News is Spreading Worldwide

According to an Infratest poll, 38 percent of Germans consider the media politically driven and 33 percent consider the media unbelievable. Despite the fact that...

Corruption & the Rich

QUESTION: Dear Martin, With all due respect I think you are not being fair on the question of earning or not a lot of money. First of all there LOTS of people that...

Taxpayers Have Been Paying for Sexual Harassment by Politicians

Believe it or not, those who make the laws have always excluded themselves from them in most cases such as insider trading in stocks to settlements for their...

Changing the World v Dark Forces of Corruption

QUESTION: Hi Marty ! How can we really expect politicians to make any kind of decisions when even the best humans can only think of 2 MAYBE 3 aspects at a...

Endless Cycle of Corruption

QUESTION: I read your articles on Capital flows regularly and I appreciate how you interlace different concepts together. Where is the money? European rulers...