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Tag: credit card debt

America’s Consumer Economy is Dying – Weak May Retail

America’s robust consumer economy helped it emerge as a global powerhouse. Nations once stood in line, eager to sell to America as our consumer economy composed...

Credit Card Delinquencies Spike Among the “Rich”

  Inflation can be felt at every tax bracket. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari came out this week and said the public “viscerally...

American Households Hold Record Debt Q1 2024

The New York Federal Reserve reported that American households set a new record after plummeting into $17.69 trillion of debt, a 1.1% ($184 billion) increase from...

American Wealth Declined in Q3

According to a recent Federal Reserve report, US household wealth experienced a significant decline in the third quarter, largely attributed to deep stock losses....

Credit Card Debt on the Rise

Credit card debt in the US spiked to its highest quarterly level in Q4 2022 after increasing by $85.8 billion. The average American household has about $10,000 in...

Credit Card Debt on the Rise

The various handouts and moratoriums during the pandemic drove the personal savings rate down to World War II levels. Everything was closed – there weren’t many...

Most Americans Will Die Penniless

It is a depressing reality, but around 73% of Americans will die with debt, according to a 2016 poll by The average amount of outstanding debt at the...

The Psychology Behind Consumer Spending and Hedonic Adaptation

Consumer debt in the US reached $14.88 trillion in 2020, according to Experian’s consumer debt study. That is a $3 trillion increase in the past decade, and...