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Tag: crime

Swiss Army Knife to Remove Blade – Worldwide Ban of Knives

Those shouting for the removal of the Second Amendment in America do not realize that violent crime is STILL on the rise in other nations. The difference is that...

Violent Crime in Germany Hits 15-Year High

Germany was once a safe nation. Violent crime has reached a 15-year high, with homicides, knife assaults, and rapes drastically increasing. Crime rose by 5.5% last...

Toronto Police Suggests Permitting Auto Theft to Prevent Home Invasions

Thieves have been knocking down doors in Toronto neighborhoods. The government is not permitting the police to curtail crime and has sided with the criminals over...

Defunded Police Agencies Vacant

Blue cities protested and set their own towns ablaze, demanding that their officials defund the police. They are now receiving what they thought they wanted....

Murder and Rape Legal for Lawless Migrants

Laken Riley was a 22-year-old student on the Dean’s List at the Augusta University’s College of Nursing in Athens, Georgia, with a bright future ahead of her....

Tren de Aragua – Venezuelan Gangs Infiltrate America

The Biden Administration has united a deadly duo – MS-13 and the Tren de Aragua gangs. Most are familiar with the MS-13 gang, an extremely violent transnational...

Good Guy With a Gun Prevents Mass Shooting

A massacre was prevented over the weekend, thanks to a good guy with a gun. Governments globally are looking to eliminate or severely restrict firearm usage, citing...

Gun Homicides in Canada – Why Restrictions are NOT the Answer

Look at history to see what happens when a nation unarms its citizens. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a strong stance in favor of disarming Canadians as...

Migrants Violently Attack Police – Released Without Bail

There is no law and order in Biden’s America, where not even the police are safe. A mob of migrants attacked two New York police officers in Times Square....

Blue Cities Contemplate Mask Bans

Blue cities across the US are contemplating banning masks. A few years ago these cities would not allow people to enter public establishments without a mask. But...