Tag: Crude Oil
Market Update
April 19, 2016
The market continues to press everyone up against the absurd. The Dow rallied so far above the 18100 level that it defied the logic that continues to be bearish....
Dow Jones Energy Forecasts GoldCrude Update – March 16th, 2016
March 17, 2016
On Friday we elected the Weekly Bullish Reversal at 38.40. Crude pulled back for two days marginally to try to retest the previous reversal at 32.40. We have now...
Energy ForecastsCrude — What Lies Beneath $30 & Where Will Resistance Stand Here After?
January 19, 2016
The fear has been that Iran will start dumping oil now that the sanctions have been lifted. Thus, crude has been falling out of bed in a nightmare scenario. The...
UncategorizedMarkets Fall in the Middle East
August 23, 2015
The markets are open on Sunday in the Middle East and we have seen follow through with the sell off that rocked the equity markets in Asia, Europe, and the Middle...
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