Tag: cryptocurrency
Did the Swiss Reject the Same Idea Behind Cryptocurrency?
July 9, 2018
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As you know, we rejected the proposal to eliminate banks from creating money by lending or the Sovereign Money Initiative. What you...
Cryptocurrency EconomicsCryptocurrencies Vulnerable to Hackers?
June 26, 2018
QUESTION: It certainly seems that the cryptocurrency world has its flaws and may even be worse than traditional bank accounts and credit cards. They keep getting...
CryptocurrencyCan Cryptocurrencies Survive?
May 19, 2018
QUESTION: Do you think Bitcoin can survive? Or has it been a passing fad? MT ANSWER: Bitcoin rose because 70% of the miners were in China. It was NOT simply because...
CryptocurrencyCryptocurrency & the Race for Money
January 19, 2018
QUESTION: You have talked about bitcoin and are rightly skeptical as we all should be, yet creative destruction rolls on. What insights do you have to share about...
CryptocurrencyIs Cryptocurrency a Government Plot?
December 3, 2017
QUESTION: You have said that the future will be cryptocurrencies. The Bank of Canada has come out and acknowledged what you have been saying that such...
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