Tag: Cuomo
Lockdowns 20X Deadlier Than COVID
August 23, 2022
The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published a study that found the lockdowns were deadly. In fact, the lockdowns were 20 times...
DiseaseBiden Drops Investigation Against Cuomo Nursing Home Deaths
July 27, 2021
COMMENT: Biden is dropping all investigations of Cuomo’s deaths in nursing homes while prosecuting Trump’s people for free parking? They don’t...
Rule of LawCNN’s & the Cuomos’ Conflicts of Interest
March 3, 2021
CNN allowed Chris Cuomo to interview his brother all the time before the scandal showed he was breaking the well-established conflict of interest rule in...
PressCall to Criminally Prosecute Cuomo for Hiding Death Counts in Nursing Homes
February 13, 2021
Cuomo’s staff has admitted that they deliberately understated the deaths in nursing homes to protect Governor Cuomo who ordered that COVID patients...
PoliticsGovernor Cuomo Now Says Nobody Should be Prosecuted for COVID Deaths Because of His Orders
May 20, 2020
Governor Cuomo of New York ordered nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients, unleashing sweeping death plagues as the elderly are susceptible to these respiratory...
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