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Tag: cycles

The Problem with K-Waves

All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed agriculture/commodity prices when agriculture accounted for 70% of the...

The Cycle of Everything

QUESTION: Do you think only the left is evil? FG ANSWER: Of course not. If you understand cycles, markets go up, and then they go down. It is NEVER a one-way...

Seeing Cycles Everywhere Around Us

  For years, it has been a sort of family joke that I view the world around me and see the cycles in everything. I had walked into a casino and noticed there...

Hidden Order Inside the Chaos or “Noise”

QUESTION: Martin, I have been reading about machine learning recently and have come across a concept that I believe you might have figured out that no one else...

Nonlinear Complexity – Too Much for Most People to Comprehend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong. Good day to you Martin. I know you are a very busy man, but I still like to send you emails time to time, hoping that you may...

The Monetary Crisis Cycle Comes in Two Flavours

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Paris conference of the BIS when you were the keynote speaker. You delivered a forecast that was probably too far ahead for...

Einstein – Relativity – Markets

QUESTION: Marty; I watched the National Geographic special called Genius on the life of Einstein. I could not help but see the parallel with you from fighting the...

The Most Hated Bull Market in History

This has been the MOST HATED BULL MARKET in history. What is fascinating is how long this current bull market has been in play yet all we hear is how it is going to...

If the Majority Must Always Be Wrong – Can that Ever Change?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that you say the majority must always be wrong. I read Kenneth Rogoff’s comment on Davos and how the predictions there are...

Changing Cycle Frequencies Produces Different Effects

QUESTION: Marty, I’m glad that you’ve showed a couple of examples in the past few articles, as per how you apply ECM and volatility cycle waves to...