Tag: DAX
The Consequence of War that Led to the German Hyperinflation
April 23, 2019
QUESTION: Everyone has a chart of the German DAX postwar. I have never seen a chart of the German stock market before the war. Do you have any? HVS ANSWER: Yes....
Sovereign Debt CrisisMarkets in Review for the Close of Q1 2016
April 1, 2016
When you have a consistent system that is running on absolutely everything around the world, you can simply look at it dispassionately and judge everything by the...
Basic Concepts DAX Dow Jones Euro € Forecasts GoldStock Market vs. Currency Inflation
December 27, 2015
QUESTION: Hello Marty Great conference! If the EM Debt implodes wouldnt the stock markets of those counties rise?? If the stocks from the EM markets did rise would...
Basic Concepts DAX Q&AThe Computer Did Pretty Well on the Dax
December 11, 2015
Notice the Panic Cycles targeted 12/03 and volatility in cycles into the end of this week. We live in interesting times. People ask how the computer can do...
DAX ForecastsDAX for the Close of August 2015
September 1, 2015
On the monthly level, the DAX has not yet given a long-term sell signal. August indeed produced the Panic Cycle the computer highlighted for August, and we still...
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