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Tag: deep state

The Hawks are Out for Trumps’ Blood

First, there was John Bolton who claimed he was the smoking gun to impeach Trump. His book has revealed that he was not the smoking gun at all. Now we have Dick...

Deep State & the Latest Ukrainian Scandal

QUESTION: Do you think this latest Ukraine scandal is another attempt by the Deep State to get rid of Trump? SK ANSWER: Yes, I do. This whistleblower did NOT have...

There Are No Coincidences – Why History Repeats

QUESTION: Martin Today is Palm Sunday. In mass, they said HE colluded with the Galilean’s. HE was found innocent by the Council. They said HE was a tax evader....

Bureaucracy & the Collapse of Empires, Nation, City-States & Corporations

COMMENT: Sir, Your blog about the “Deep State” being nothing more than the bureaucracy made me laugh. If memory serves, didn’t some of the Chinese dynasties...

Who Really is the Deep State?

QUESTION:  What is your understanding of the term “Deep State”? Do you think there’s a deep state as it is referred to in the media today? I have...