Tag: Democratic Party Split
Democrats’ Favorability Plunges to New Low
February 3, 2025
A new Quinnipiac poll revealed that the Democrats have completely fallen out of favor with the American people. Only 31% of voters see the party in a favorable...
PoliticsWill Bernie Lead to the Split in the Democratic Party?
March 19, 2020
Bernie is not a typical career politician. He at least believes in communism. He preaches what he actually believes. Therein lies the problem. In California,...
PoliticsHas Pelosi Ensured the Breakup of the Democratic Party?
February 4, 2020
What is very clear is that we no longer have a functioning government. This impeachment of Trump has been a desperate attempt to stage a fake impeachment for the...
PoliticsAre the Democrats Doomed in 2020?
October 16, 2019
The latest ruckus behind the curtain is that the whispers are turning into screams. The big donors to the Democratic Party have almost unanimously put the...
PoliticsWill the Democrats Split into Two Parties after AOC’s Threats?
March 4, 2019
The Democrats cheered the election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for they were sure that they were now going to be the party of the millennials. However, there...
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