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Tag: DOW

The Dow Hits First Target 40,000 – What’s Next?

  COMMENT: It is baffling why you are not on the front page of the WSJ, Barons, London FT, NY Times, and every financial newspaper claiming to be interested in...

Dow Passes Record-Breaking 40,000 Midday – Jan 2020 Forecast Comes to Fruition

The Dow surpassed 40,000 during midday trading for the very first time this Thursday. In a January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg I...

Why Are Central Banks Buying Gold?

Investors’ curiosity has been piqued as central banks are increasing their gold purchases. We are not going back to a Bretton Woods type situation and that is not...

Why I Look at the Dow First

COMMENT: Why do you focus on the Dow over the S&P 500 and others? ANSWER: New analysts claim that the S&P 500 provides a better picture of the markets...

Something is Wrong

    QUESTION: At the WEC in Orlando, you said something was wrong. Was the computer picking up this event of a crash being contrived? JF ANSWER: The...

Why the Dow is Different From S&P 500 & NASDAQ

QUESTION: Hello, I have been following you for several years and being retired your emails along with my coffee are a great way to start the day. I want to stay...

Yield v Reason

QUESTION: I see all of these people calling for a major crash of 50%+. With interest rates so low and the dividends on the Dow twice that of interest rates, does...

Hidden Order Inside the Chaos or “Noise”

QUESTION: Martin, I have been reading about machine learning recently and have come across a concept that I believe you might have figured out that no one else...

If the Majority Must Always Be Wrong – Can that Ever Change?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that you say the majority must always be wrong. I read Kenneth Rogoff’s comment on Davos and how the predictions there are...

Dow Breaks the 20,000 Barrier

While every story you read from the press is negative about Trump and one in every three California residents supports the withdrawal from the union, according to a...