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Tag: ECM

Asteroid to Hit Earth Sept 15-28? Really?

The alleged comet expected to hit the earth between September 15-28, 2015 has been denied by NASA. I find it curious that this doomsday prediction lined up with the...

Understanding Arrays & Time

One confusing aspect that people encounter is when a Time Straddle takes place on the Arrays. A Time Straddle occurs when the target in time straddles two...

The Dow & the Two Paths To Chaos

We have a Daily Bullish Reversal in the Dow at 18105.00. A closing above that will warn of a retest of the May high of 18421.13. We still do not see a major crash...

Schema Frequency & the Rabbit Hole

  QUESTION: Martin, Thank you for staying alive and moving forward with Socrates!. I am a big fan of yours. I read your blog everyday and I have reserved to...

The Sixth Wave 2032.95

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Will you be going over the Sixth Wave this year at the WEC? What you just posted about the  Maunder Minimum is very interesting to say the...

Happy Independence Day to Our Canadian Readers

Sorry for being late – my bad. This is actually an important Independence Day for you. True, it was originally the Dominion Day on July 1, 1867 that was...

There is No Hope of Stopping the Crisis in Europe

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; A friend works for a ….. Hedge Fund. He said you could put together a team to save Europe. Would you take up such a challenge? Thank...

Professional Analysis vs. a Fool’s Game

The way people try to judge one analyst against another is like saying, “Oh, he is right and someone else is wrong.” That is unprofessional because OPINION is...

World in Review: The Greek Tragedy Continues to Set the Tone

  The Greek drama of Greek Tragedy continues with a rumored agreement to continue the stimulus in return for promised reforms, only to have Greek Prime...

The Dow & Rising Interest Rates

COMMENT: Between the early 1960s to 1982 the Dow was basing with an overhead resistance of approx. 1000. The prime interest rates during those 20 years varied from...