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Tag: ECM

Why Europe Will Lead the Charge to Eliminate Cash – the Next Step in a Global Meltdown

Europe will lead the world into Economic Totalitarianism because government is now desperate to retain the euro. If the euro collapses, so will Brussels. The...

The Blood Moon & ECM

QUESTION: Martin, I couldn’t help but notice that the forth blood moon will occur on Sept 28 2015. This seems to coincide with your 2015.75 turning point. Any...

The Collapse of Socialism – It’s Our Turn up to Bat

The entire idea of Marxism is coming to a real crash and burn. China and Russia experienced that collapse in 1989.95 with the turn in the Economic Confidence...

The Coming Crash of All Crashes – but in Debt

Why are governments rushing to eliminate cash? During previous recoveries following the recessionary declines from the peaks in the Economic Confidence Model, the...

Creating the Bond Bubble – Role of the Stock Market

All over the place they are touting that the stock market will crash and burn. Indeed, when you say there is a coming crash, everyone immediately assumes that means...

Yields Are Collapsing on Short-End

The amount of cash rushing around on the short-end is stunning. Yields are collapsing into negative territory, and this is the same flight to quality we began to...

ECM Observations = Always Fascinating

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Fantastic data and research (as always).  I was kind of surprised (never made the connection) by one of the images you posted. Your image shows...

The Shift in Public Confidence: 2015.75

There are many aspects that are lining up with the turn in the ECM (Economic Confidence Model) from the Blood Moon and the Jewish Year for forgiving the debts, to...

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of...

The Reaction in the Euro

The reaction rally in the Euro appears to be on schedule. The March low at 10458 held during April, so at the very least that implies a 2-3 month reaction rally....