Tag: economic warfare
US-Russia Relations Today Akin to US-Japan Relations before WWII
December 26, 2024
The US government is treating Russia just as it treated Japan before World War II fully took hold. President Roosevelt was inflicting embargos on the Japanese,...
WarEU to Surrender Russian Assets to Ukraine
June 13, 2024
The United States discussed plans to provide Ukraine with a loan paid out with Russian assets that have been frozen since the start of the war. The bulk of frozen...
WarRussia Responds Precisely on Target
April 25, 2024
Nearly $300 billion worth of confiscated frozen Russian assets have been set to the side by the West. Some of the world’s leading decision-makers have been urging...
World Trade WarYellen Aims to Send Frozen Russian Assets to Ukraine
February 28, 2024
Russian assets frozen by the West have been sitting idle for three years. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is urging the G20 to liquidate nearly $300 billion in...
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