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Tag: Education

Bill Gates Terrorizing Children?

  This video of the Los Angeles School District being fully on board with total control of children is so dangerous, that it is conditioning the next...

COVID-19 Tearing Families Apart

COMMENT: Mart, this is tearing my family apart. I can no longer even speak to my son. He is against Trump simply because he does not like him personally or his...

George Washington University Engages in Political Subversion

Well, if you are paying for your children to go to university, you better scratch George Washington University off the list. Students attending George Washington...

Trading is the Only School to Learn Real Economics

QUESTION: I noticed that all the economists who are not academics are the people who actually discovered something. The academics always advocate for manipulating...

The Great Educational Fraud

QUESTION: Martin Thanks for all you do. Being a student of stock market history I am never shocked by what I see in the market. I have been wondering for years what...

Why are Some of the Greatest Entrepreneurs & Presidents School Dropouts?

QUESTION: Marty, what do you tell your son when some of the greatest people in business were all dropouts from Sidney Weinberg of Goldman Sachs who was known as Mr....

Why Do Nearly 40% of Billionaires Not Have College Degrees?

QUESTION: Why do nearly 40% of billionaires drop out of school? It seems like the most successful people are all dropouts. Would you explain why? Bill Gates Steve...

Millennials Saddled with Student Loans that Prevents them from Becoming Homeowners

New findings are out from the New York Federal Reserve that reveal a troubling outlook for millennials who have now reached over US$1 trillion of debt, but the...

Einstein & Curiousity

COMMENT: I found your comment most interesting on curiosity as the driving force being Einstein and the key for everyone to follow no matter what the field. This is...

The Student Suicide Rate Has Been Rising – the new Lost Generation

There have been studies on the riskiest jobs where stress causes higher rates of suicides. The medical profession seems to be at the top of the list, which now...