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Tag: Education

Creativity is the Key to Everything

A professor at Princeton University once told me I reminded him of Einstein. I was shocked. I said I was nothing like Einstein, and I certainly did not advance...

The College Scandal

Olivia Jade Giannulli (left) Lori Loughlin(center) It is really interesting to see how many schools are bribed. There are even allegations against Yale. This all...

Our Journey Through Life

QUESTION:  Hello Martin. Over the years I have read so much of your adventurers (if you could call them that =) and some of the great masters you quote from time...

Chances Are you Are A Genius if you Read this Blog – It’s All in the Methodology

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I too watched Genius on the life of Einstein. It also left me with the same feeling that it was a parallel to your life right down to the...

The Plight of Junk Science in All Fields

Junk Science is the real crisis we face as so many people think that Global Warming is caused by man and Co2. Of course, those who really believe this is the...

Public Education Has Always Been a Weapon Employed by the State

COMMENT: I found your comment on public education fascinating. Has it been a tool for centuries to alter the minds of children? ANSWER: Yes. There have been plenty...

If You Can’t Reform – Just Blow The Budget Completely Apart

You really have to wonder how politicians ever come to these ideas that they have a right to discriminate and suppress anyone based solely upon what material things...

Why Less than 10% Make Change Happen

COMMENT: Good day Martin I thoroughly enjoyed your video on the solution and took you up on creating a debate. Thank you for your work. I live in Canada. I have a...

Surving the Coming Transition

QUESTION:  Dear Martin and co-workers, Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the writings at the blog (it opened my eyes! and I am very much awake now)...

How to Create A Fairer System

  QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I am an avid fan of your site and thoroughly enjoy your posts. As much as I am against tax, would you not agree it’s rather sick...