Tag: Elections
The 2022 Elections
July 30, 2021
In the USA, there are two upcoming regularly scheduled elections for governor where the Democrats may lose. In New Jersey, Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is...
PoliticsGermany Preparing to Postpone the 2021 Elections Already
October 31, 2020
COMMENT: Dear Marty, as you already know the german federal parliament is called “Deutscher Bundestag“. The parliament has an institution called...
Democracy Crisis Disease GermanyDemocrats Can’t Beat Trump With All Actors & Media on Their SIde
June 23, 2017
Despite having Hollywood, Google, Mainstream Media, and countless violent activists, the Democrats still can’t beat Trump. They just do not comprehend what is...
PoliticsIf US Election Were Held today – Trump Would Get More Votes Polls Show
April 25, 2017
The latest polls show that most people who voted for Trump are satisfied. When the same questions have been asking about Hillary, the opposite response appears. The...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election PoliticsThe French Debates – Le Pen Wins = Bullish for Europe – Loss = Devastation for Euorpe
April 5, 2017
France holds its first round of voting on the 23rd of April, 2017. Unless one candidate wins more than 50% of the vote, the two leading contenders will go to a...
France PoliticsThe Euro – Up or Down?
April 3, 2017
The overwhelming view within Europe is that the dollar is about to make a big move to the downside. We warned that the dollar would decline basically to retest the...
Euro €Can Europe be Saved?
April 24, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find it truly enlightening that you told the European Commission from the outset this idea of the euro would fail because of a faulty...
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