Tag: Electronic Currency
Bundesbank Bank’s Thiele Against Electronic Money
April 17, 2016
The Bundesbank (German Central Bank) has come out to oppose eliminating cash. During the pre-euro years, the Bundesbank was providing us with inside info on the...
The Hunt for Taxes Western EuropeLarry Summers Calls to End $100 Billis — Here Comes the Totalitarian State
February 17, 2016
Larry Summers, the father of NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES, is so against a free society and looks upon us as dumb cattle to be herded and corralled for his...
The Hunt for Taxes USD $ World EventsMonopoly Goes Cashless — The Coming New World Totalitarian Order
February 17, 2016
Well, Monopoly is going cashless. It looks like the game company sees the writing on the wall and are preparing the kids for the new world order — a cashless...
The Hunt for TaxesBitcoin Reality
February 17, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong : Since you have deep knowledge about coins and currencies going back to ancient times, it would be really helpful to get your view of what...
Foreign Exchange Q&AGermany to Enforce a €5,000 Limit on Cash Transactions
February 5, 2016
The German people do not have to worry about their taxes rising because of the Greeks; the refugees are whom they should worry about. Now the German government is...
The Hunt for Taxes Western EuropeA Cashless Europe – Stupidity Has No Limitations
February 3, 2016
QUESTION: Martin, An all electronic currency seems almost inevitable to some, however as you have stated in the past not everyone ha the ability/facility to...
European Union The Hunt for TaxesWhat Happens to Cash When Governments Go Electronic?
February 1, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What happens to paper money when the government moves electronic? Is it just cancelled? Does cash then become worthless? Thanks RD ANSWER:...
Q&A The Hunt for TaxesChina to Move to Electronic Currency
January 21, 2016
The People’s Bank of China held a seminar yesterday to discuss the issuance of a digital currency. The Chinese central bank said issuing a digital...
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