In July 2021, Greenland ceased issuing licenses for oil and gas exploration. Now, Greenland has announced that the ban will be permanent. The government cited...
President Joe Biden’s Administration is looking to terminate Enbridge Inc.’s Line 5 pipeline from Canada to Michigan. These environmental people who are...
(Nord Stream Pipeline) European Union leaders are scrambling for solutions to the energy crisis, but their feared friend from the East has reminded them that a...
(Image from Statistics Canada: Prices for meat products rise year over year in September) Canada’s CPI rose 4.4% YoY this September, according to Statistics...
Once “we get the pandemic under control, the global economy comes back, these pressures will mitigate and I believe will go back to normal levels,” Treasury...
The greatest problem I have is that those in power are evolving to the lowest possible denomination. Thirty years ago, I would have intelligent conversations with...
A House committee last week advanced serious legislation to combat climate change. Biden already went to OPEC to ask them to increase production because gasoline...
The proposal running around the Biden Administration is to impose a tax on every mile you drive. California wanted to tax space shuttles for every mile they travel...
Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline from Alberta, but what people do not realize is the environmentalists are out for blood. They are pushing to shut down...