Tag: Equities
Do Lower Interest Rates Really Produce Bull Markets in Stocks?
February 11, 2020
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Yes, the political situation in our country is out of control and you are right, there is no turning back. But this truly pales in comparison to...
EconomicsWhy Are Equities so Disconnected from Economics?
July 12, 2019
Normally, equity valuations reflect the present value of future cash flows that are primarily a function of current cash flows, growth expectations, and then the...
ECMCentral Banks Buying Equities
June 20, 2019
QUESTION: Central banks around the world are currently purchasing equities. If they continue to purchase equities, will we ever have a significant market downturn...
Stock IndiciesWhy Do Some Pension Funds Avoid Equities?
May 16, 2018
QUESTION: Hi there Mr. Armstrong In attempting to synthesize some of your past comments, I wonder if it is accurate to conclude that rate hikes are the lesser of...
Pension CrisisWhy Central Banks & Buying Equities
May 8, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why is the Swiss Central Bank buying American equities? On the one hand you would think it is manipulation, but on the other, why...
Central BanksUnderstanding the Reverse Side of the Flight to Quality
May 2, 2015
QUESTION: I’m having trouble reconciling your call between the next downturn (due to start in 2015.75 and your call on the Dow potentially doubling or more. ...
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