Tag: Erdogan
Erdogan to Create Arab Alliance Against Israel
September 11, 2024
I have stated that Turkey will be the nation to destabilize NATO after numerous conflicts within the bloc. Turkey then became the first member nation of NATO to...
WarTurkey to Destabilize NATO?
August 22, 2024
Turkey will be the nation to destabilize NATO. The nation has had discrepancies with the EU, US, and most nations within the bloc. “In an environment where 32...
WarErdogan Demands Recounts
April 7, 2019
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have demanded recounts in 39 districts that they lost and have prevailed on...
TurkeyThe Rumors are that Turkey Will Default
August 30, 2018
The rumors running around is that Turkey will default as Erdogan decides to move to align with Iran and Russia and leave the West behind. While there have been...
TurkeyCurrency Shows Turkey’s Death Spiral into Dictatorship
January 3, 2017
Turkey has really turned into a dictatorship and the claimed “elected” head of state acts like anyone other than a democratically elected...
TurkeyErdogan’s Personal Quest for Power?
September 4, 2016
President Erdogan turning to Russia and shaking hands with President Putin in St. Petersburg should send a red light to NATO that all nukes must be withdrawn from...
World EventsMilitary Coup Unfolding in Turkey
July 15, 2016
There is a military coup attempt to seize power from Erdogan, who may be the most unpopular head of state ever to hold office. Low flying jets and gunfire have been...
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