Tag: ESG
Milton Friedman Explains Why Stakeholder Capitalism Fails
April 30, 2024
What brought thousands of people together to create something as simple as a pencil? Some may be familiar with the late economist Milton Friedman’s popular...
EconomicsBlackRock and State Street Subpoenaed over ESG Goals
December 19, 2023
The House Judiciary Committee has issued subpoenas to BlackRock and State Street as part of an investigation into the firms’ promotion of environmental,...
Great ResetFL Lawmaker Proposes Ban on Lab-Grown Meat
November 20, 2023
A Florida Republican lawmaker has introduced a bill, known as House Bill 435, aimed at criminalizing the sale and distribution of lab-grown meat in the state. The...
DiseaseThe US Govt Seizing Farmland under Eminent Domain
June 23, 2023
The US government is seizing farmland in South Dakota and no one is discussing it. Summit Carbon Solutions is building a pipeline through northeast South Dakota...
CorruptionCompanies Back Away from CEI and ESG Social Scores
June 15, 2023
The people have spoken with their dollars, and companies are now less likely to go woke. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) pushes the CEI (Corporate Equality Index),...
WOKEBiden Backed BlackRock’s Push for the ESG
June 5, 2023
(images directly from BlackRock’s website – click on them to enlarge) The first bill that President Joe Biden vetoed was a bill intended to dissolve the...
Climate Great ResetIs BlackRock Responsible for the Woke Agenda?
June 1, 2023
BlackRock and Vanguard own almost everything you see. BlackRock is responsible for creating the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) social credit score...
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