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Tag: EU

Polish Elections Voted Anti-Euro on Sunday

I reported from Poland that the rising trend there was anti-euro, which has manifested into an anti-immigrant movement. I will be there next March once again....

Slovakia Will Exit the EU Over the Immigration Issue

The Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has stated bluntly that the EU must stop the influx migration of refugees or Slovakia will exit the EU. The refugee issue is...

Europe’s Migrant Crisis

Question: What is your analysis of the recent migrant crisis in the the Middle East and Europe? Is this the death knell for European Civilization demographically,...

Father of Euro Warns of Brussels & Death of Democracy

The man whose idea gave life to the euro, Professor Otmar Issing, said it would be “dangerous” to transfer control over tax and spending to the EU federal...

Say Goodbye to the Euro by 2016?

Politicians never get enough and never tell the truth. Perhaps they are right and can fool the people in general. Expect this move soon in your country. They are...

Osborne is Destroying the British Real Estate Market

One reason someone like Donald Trump is so popular is because he is not a brain-dead politician with some practical market sense. The establishment based press...

Talks with Greece Collapse

The EU is simply self-destructive. There was no way to merge all these economies together without debt consolidation from the outset. The euro will collapse and...

DFT of Netherlands Poll: 60%+ of Dutch Want Out of Euro

The leaders of the EU are on a collision course with the population of Europe. This is now moving beyond Greece. Even in Northern Europe in Germany and the...

Greece Surrenders its Sovereignty to Brussels

The Syriza government is backing down after the realization that Brussels will declare economic war on Greece by deliberately trying to plunge the country into...

You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday. Two years ago,...