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Tag: EU

Sturgeon Incompetent to Lead Scotland?

Nicola Sturgeon, the  First Minister of Scotland and the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), has said she is determined for Scotland to respect the...

Europe Starting to Break Apart

You can tell that Europe is breaking apart because the EU has gone too far. EU President Jean-Claude Juncker has warned against attempts to undermine or dissolve...

McDonalds Leaves EU for Britain

The EU is just insane. They cannot comprehend how to run an economy. The abuse on taxation assessments in the EU has led to McDonalds relocating its international...

Nonperforming Loans in European Banks 10x that of U.S. Banks

American banks would rather return to the USA than strengthen their activities in the Eurozone. The U.S. banks, overall, now expect the EU to simply disintegrate....

EU Collapse on Schedule

Merkel admitted that the European Union is in a “critical situation” as the EU leaders met in Slovakia. I greatly appreciate all the emails asking why...

The Failed EU Design – The Great Divide West v East

QUESTION: I saw you at your presentation in Dresden last year. Things in the East are rather different from the West in Europe. Do you have any comments on this...

EU Govt. Pensions Explode to €63.8 billion

I have said that the European crisis is all about keeping jobs in Brussels, and now the truth is beginning to surface. The long-term cost of pensions for EU...

Governments Keep Their Fingers Crossed

We must face the fact that we are in a slowing global economy and governments simply have their fingers crossed in hopes this nightmare just corrects itself. There...

The Pound & BREXIT

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I voted for remain. Contrary to the post of a very biased Brit, there is a “rift” and the person who arrogantly wrote to you...

The European Elitist Dream – the European Union Also Known As the Superstate

QUESTION: There are now stories appearing about this nine-page document calling it and ultimatum for a superstate. But they are not publishing the document. Since...